ABSL MF Gamification FingoMF 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Axis All Seasons Debt FOF Reg Annual IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 13.0426
24-02-2025 13.044
21-02-2025 13.0352
20-02-2025 13.045
18-02-2025 13.0544
17-02-2025 13.0464
14-02-2025 13.0436
13-02-2025 13.0414
12-02-2025 13.0514
11-02-2025 13.0477
10-02-2025 13.0387
07-02-2025 13.0372
06-02-2025 13.0724
05-02-2025 13.0548
04-02-2025 13.0417
03-02-2025 13.0431
31-01-2025 13.0346
30-01-2025 13.0477
29-01-2025 13.0458
28-01-2025 13.0535
27-01-2025 13.0611
24-01-2025 13.0256
23-01-2025 13.0099
22-01-2025 13.0143
21-01-2025 12.9888
20-01-2025 12.958
17-01-2025 12.9394
16-01-2025 12.9526
15-01-2025 12.9025
14-01-2025 12.8903
13-01-2025 12.8836
10-01-2025 12.954
09-01-2025 12.9563
08-01-2025 12.9633
07-01-2025 12.9705
06-01-2025 12.9482
03-01-2025 12.9355
02-01-2025 12.9268
01-01-2025 12.9263
31-12-2024 12.9466
30-12-2024 12.9241
27-12-2024 12.9053
26-12-2024 12.9031
24-12-2024 12.913
23-12-2024 12.9184
20-12-2024 12.903
19-12-2024 12.9176
18-12-2024 12.9538
17-12-2024 12.9451
16-12-2024 12.9565
13-12-2024 12.9598
12-12-2024 12.9395
11-12-2024 12.9432
10-12-2024 12.9539
09-12-2024 12.9442
06-12-2024 12.9152
05-12-2024 12.9636
04-12-2024 12.9544
03-12-2024 12.9289
02-12-2024 12.9274
30-11-2024 12.8834
29-11-2024 12.882
28-11-2024 12.8474
27-11-2024 12.8465
26-11-2024 12.8328
25-11-2024 12.8391
22-11-2024 12.8106
21-11-2024 12.8155
19-11-2024 12.8342
18-11-2024 12.8287
14-11-2024 12.8112
13-11-2024 12.8398
12-11-2024 12.8577
11-11-2024 12.8625
08-11-2024 12.8589
07-11-2024 12.8428
06-11-2024 12.8417
05-11-2024 12.8439
04-11-2024 12.8438
31-10-2024 12.8278
30-10-2024 12.8367
29-10-2024 12.8168
28-10-2024 12.7998
25-10-2024 12.8177
24-10-2024 12.8374
23-10-2024 12.8431
22-10-2024 12.8337
21-10-2024 12.8255
18-10-2024 12.8219
17-10-2024 12.8467
16-10-2024 12.8613
15-10-2024 12.862
14-10-2024 12.8559
11-10-2024 12.837
10-10-2024 12.8465
09-10-2024 12.8512
08-10-2024 12.8194
07-10-2024 12.7859
04-10-2024 12.8055
03-10-2024 12.8606
01-10-2024 12.8908
30-09-2024 12.8612
27-09-2024 12.8476
26-09-2024 12.8824
25-09-2024 12.8586
24-09-2024 12.8312
23-09-2024 12.8162
20-09-2024 12.8097
19-09-2024 12.8079
17-09-2024 12.7848
16-09-2024 12.7988
13-09-2024 12.7689
12-09-2024 12.7448
11-09-2024 12.7333
10-09-2024 12.711
09-09-2024 12.7037
06-09-2024 12.6923
05-09-2024 12.7023
04-09-2024 12.6969
03-09-2024 12.675
02-09-2024 12.6639
31-08-2024 12.6684
30-08-2024 12.6673
29-08-2024 12.675
28-08-2024 12.6763
27-08-2024 12.6748
26-08-2024 12.6815
23-08-2024 12.6767
22-08-2024 12.6778
21-08-2024 12.673
20-08-2024 12.6687
19-08-2024 12.6519
16-08-2024 12.632
14-08-2024 12.6323
13-08-2024 12.6143
12-08-2024 12.6103
09-08-2024 12.6034
08-08-2024 12.5959
07-08-2024 12.6085
06-08-2024 12.5959
05-08-2024 12.6023
02-08-2024 12.5616
01-08-2024 12.5494
31-07-2024 12.5471
30-07-2024 12.5379
29-07-2024 12.5544
26-07-2024 12.5463
25-07-2024 12.53
24-07-2024 12.5247
23-07-2024 12.521
22-07-2024 12.525
19-07-2024 12.5064
18-07-2024 12.5001
16-07-2024 12.4934
15-07-2024 12.4782
12-07-2024 12.4655
11-07-2024 12.4709
10-07-2024 12.4675
09-07-2024 12.4583
08-07-2024 12.4556
05-07-2024 12.4456
04-07-2024 12.4448
03-07-2024 12.4482
02-07-2024 12.4399
01-07-2024 12.4318
28-06-2024 12.4331
27-06-2024 12.4408
26-06-2024 12.4422
25-06-2024 12.444
24-06-2024 12.4528
21-06-2024 12.443
20-06-2024 12.4297
19-06-2024 12.4287
18-06-2024 12.4099
14-06-2024 12.3998
13-06-2024 12.3887
12-06-2024 12.3695
11-06-2024 12.3668
10-06-2024 12.3549
07-06-2024 12.3539
06-06-2024 12.3551
05-06-2024 12.325
04-06-2024 12.2996
03-06-2024 12.3888
31-05-2024 12.3456
30-05-2024 12.3404
29-05-2024 12.3311
28-05-2024 12.3436
27-05-2024 12.3525
24-05-2024 12.3394
22-05-2024 12.3295
21-05-2024 12.2987
17-05-2024 12.2878
16-05-2024 12.2838
15-05-2024 12.2702
14-05-2024 12.2554
13-05-2024 12.2432
10-05-2024 12.2341
09-05-2024 12.216
08-05-2024 12.2119
07-05-2024 12.2135
06-05-2024 12.2266
03-05-2024 12.1859
02-05-2024 12.1653
30-04-2024 12.1421
29-04-2024 12.1447
26-04-2024 12.1345
25-04-2024 12.1337
24-04-2024 12.1426
23-04-2024 12.1507
22-04-2024 12.1314
19-04-2024 12.1115
18-04-2024 12.1392
16-04-2024 12.1249
15-04-2024 12.1355
12-04-2024 12.1251
10-04-2024 12.1653
08-04-2024 12.138
05-04-2024 12.1675
04-04-2024 12.1758
03-04-2024 12.168
02-04-2024 12.1694
31-03-2024 12.2022
28-03-2024 12.1982
27-03-2024 12.1615
26-03-2024 12.3991

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